MuXu at Sustainable Business Mixer

We are happy to participate in this next Sustainable Business Mixer organized by Sustainability is Sexy in partnership with Sunshine Market & Refillery, happening on May 5th, 2024 in Oceanside.

This mixer event will showcase a local vendor market, light snacks and refreshments, and a raffle. All vendors, us included, have donated one item to be given in the raffle. All proceeds will be donated to the amazing organization Sustainability is Sexy. The drawing will be at 4:00 pm. And remember, that all attendees will receive one raffle ticket upon arrival and can purchase more. You do not need to be present at 4 pm to win.

Then, from 3 pm - 4 pm, a Speed Networking Event will happen. We are eager to get to know more people involved in the sustainable community in San Diego!


MuXu Creations Featured in SDNews: A Spotlight on Sustainable Fashion


MuXu at Live Sustainability Panel discussion