Terms of service.

Last update: 12th July 2021

Please read this Terms of Service carefully before using the www.muxucreations.com (“Website”) as this Terms of Service contains important information regarding limitations of our liability. Your access to and use of this Website is conditional upon your acceptance of and compliance with these Terms. These Terms apply to everyone, including but not limited to visitors, users, and others, who wish to access and use the Website.

By accessing or using the Website, you agree to be bound by these Terms. If you disagree with any part of the Terms, then you do not have our permission to access or use the Website.


To effectuate a purchase, you will be asked to supply your payment information, billing address, and shipping address.

All payments shall be processed immediately through a third-party service. We are not responsible for the retention or safety of your billing information that is collected by the third-party service.

You hereby represent and warrant that: (i) you have the legal right to use any valid payment method(s) in connection with any purchase; and that (ii) the information you supply to us is true, correct, and complete.

We reserve the right to refuse or cancel your order at any time for reasons including, but not limited to: product or service availability, error(s) in your order, or for any other reason.

We have the right to refuse or cancel your order if fraud or an unauthorized or illegal transaction is suspected. If fraud or an unauthorized or illegal transaction is suspected, we have the right to contact law enforcement to report the above actions and to provide your information.

Muxu Creations accepts no liability and shall not be held responsible for any injuries, damages, or losses resulting from the use of products purchased from this shop. Purchasing shop products signifies your acceptance of this statement and releases Muxu Creations from all liability.


We offer cancellations only prior to shipment. You may cancel your order by contacting us prior to shipment. We reserve the right to refuse a cancellation.

Return policy

Please refer to our Return Policy page for information about our return policy.

Prohibited uses

You agree that you will use this Website in accordance with all applicable laws, rules, regulations, and these Terms at all times. The following is a non-exhaustive list of prohibited uses of this Website. You agree that you will not perform any of the following prohibited uses:

  1. Impersonating or attempting to impersonate Muxu Creations or its employees, representatives, subsidiaries, or divisions;

  2. Misrepresenting your identity or affiliation with any person or entity;

  3. Sending or attempting to send any advertising or promotional material, including but not limited to spam, junk mail, chain mail, or any similar material;

  4. Engaging in any conduct that restricts or inhibits any person’s use or enjoyment of the Website, or which, as determined in our sole discretion, may harm us or the users of this Website or expose us or other users to liability;

  5. Using the Website in any manner that could disable, overburden, damage, or impair the Website or interfere with another party’s use of the Website;

  6. Using any robot, spider, or other similar automatic technology, process, or means to access or use the Website for any purpose, including monitoring or copying any of the material on this Website;

  7. Using any manual process or means to monitor or copy any of the material on this Website or for any other unauthorized purpose;

  8. Using any device, software, means, or routine that interferes with the proper working of the Website, including but not limited to viruses, trojan horses, worms, logic bombs, or other such materials;

  9. Attempting to gain unauthorized access to, interfering with, damaging, or disrupting any parts of the Website, the server(s) on which the Website is stored, or any server, computer, or database connected to the Website;

  10. Attempting to attack or attacking the Website via a denial-of-service attack or a distributed denial-of-service attack;

  11. Otherwise attempting to interfere with the proper working of the Website;

  12. Using the Website in any way that violates any applicable federal, state, or local laws, rules, or regulations.

No warranty on Website

This website is provided “as is,” no warranty, express or implied (including any implied warranty of merchantability, of satisfactory quality or fitness for a particular purpose or use) shall apply to this website, whether arising by law, course of dealing, course of performance, usage of trade or otherwise.

Availability, errors, and inaccuracies

We assume no liability for availability, errors, or inaccuracies in the information provided on this Website. We may experience delays in updating information on the Website and in our advertising on other websites or social media. The information, products, and services found on the Website may contain errors or inaccuracies or may not be complete or current. Services may be incorrectly priced, described inaccurately, or unavailable on the Website, and we cannot guarantee the accuracy or completeness of any information found on the Website. We expressly reserve the right to correct any pricing errors on our Website.

We make no representations about the suitability of the information, products, and services contained on this Website for any purpose, and the inclusion or offering of any products or services on this Website does not constitute any endorsement or recommendation of such products or services by us. We disclaim all warranties and conditions that this Website, its servers, or any email sent from us are free of viruses or other harmful components.

Damages and limitations of liability

In no event shall Muxu Creations be liable for any direct, indirect, punitive, incidental, special, or consequential damages arising out of, relating to, or in any way connected with your access to, display of, or use of this website or with the delay or inability to access, display or use this website, including but not limited to your reliance upon opinions or information appearing on this website; any computer viruses, information, software, linked websites operated by third parties, products or services obtained through this website, whether based on a theory of negligence, contract, tort, strict liability, consumer protection statutes or otherwise, even if Muxu Creations has been advised of the possibility of such damages.

This limitation of liability reflects the allocation of risk between you and us. The limitations specified in this section will survive and apply even if any limited remedy specified in these terms of use is found to have failed in its essential purpose. The limitations of liability provided in these terms of use inure to the benefit of Muxu Creations.

Links to third-party sites

This Website may contain hyperlinks to websites operated by parties other than us. We provide such hyperlinks for your reference only. We do not control such websites and are not responsible for their contents or the privacy or other practices of such websites. Further, it is up to you to take precautions to ensure that whatever links you select or software you download (whether from this Website or other websites) is free of such items as viruses, worms, trojan horses, defects, and other items of a destructive nature. Our inclusion of hyperlinks to such websites does not imply any endorsement of the material on such websites or any association with their operators.

Intellectual property

If you are aware of an infringement of our intellectual property, please let us know by contacting us at info@muxucreations.com.

We respect the intellectual property rights of others. It is our policy to respond to any claim that our Website infringes on the copyright or other intellectual property rights of any person or entity.

You may be held accountable for damages (including costs and attorneys’ fees) for any misrepresentation or bad-faith claims on the infringement of any content found on and/or through the Website on your copyright.

Governing law, severability, dispute resolution, and venue

These Terms shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of San Diego County County, California, United States, without regard to its conflict of law provisions.

Our failure to enforce any right or provision of these Terms will not be considered a waiver of those rights. If any provision of these Terms is held to be invalid or unenforceable by a court, the remaining provisions of these Terms will remain in effect. These Terms constitute the entire agreement between us regarding our Website, and supersede and replace any prior agreements we might have had between us regarding the Website.

Any controversy or claim arising out of or relating to these Terms and Conditions including, without limitation, the interpretation or breach thereof, shall be resolved in a court of competent jurisdiction in California.


We reserve the right to amend this policy at any time without any prior notice to you.


If you have any questions about our Terms of Service, please contact us at info@muxucreations.com.